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In the summer of 2020, when COVID-19 ravaged the world, many companies were cutting back, thinking about how they could survive these unprecedented times. I took it upon myself to show Seek Discomfort ways of thriving rather than surviving.
With an optimistic view of the world getting COVID-19 under control, I pitched Seek Discomfort's CEO my idea: Project Exhale. It quickly snowballed into more than what I originally set out to accomplish. This campaign focused on our #ExhaleMoment. The exact point in time where thought turns into action, fear into growth. This project perfectly aligned with Seek Discomfort’s way of life. The path to overcoming fear and discomfort in the pursuit of meaning and purpose. Project Exhale applauds and showcases their community's commitment to Seeking Discomfort by highlighting the moment they bravely cross the line into the unknown.
*This video was used as an internal pitch to the founders of Seek Discomfort. The footage and music are not mine however the script, editing, and storytelling are mine.
Team: AJ Teiger, Creative Director
Genres: Art DirectionSocial Media CampaignContent Production
This Work is: Fashion Forward
Inspired by Netflix. Re-designed and developed by AJ in Los Angeles